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Nutrients for Beauty
Vitamins are important for achieving a healthy glow that radiates from the inside out. You are what you eat! Eating healthy foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants will reflect a beautiful you in the mirror. If you cannot always eat a collagen-producing diet, supplements are another alternative.
Understanding the Basics
It's easy to feel confused when you hear the terms: celiac disease, non-celiac wheat sensitivity, wheat allergy. What do they mean? What are the differences between them? A lot, it turns out. But the...
What Makes Kefir Cool?
A fermented dairy product, kefir is rich in antioxidants as well as lactobacilli and bifidus bacteria. These strains of good bacteria can help cure recurring Clostridium difficile infections (the...
Eat Up to Increase Fluids this Summer
Plenty of foods contain plenty of water--and that counts toward the fluids you need to stay hydrated this summer. Add some of these to your diet: Cucumber: 96 percent water Celery: 95.4 percent water...
Consider Collagen
Collagen is a long-chain amino acid, responsible for giving skin its elasticity, strengthening hair, and keeping connective tissue healthy. Collagen supplements are gaining in popularity, but what...
Safety in (SPF) Numbers
Sunscreens that offer protection against both UVA and UVB radiation can advertise "Broad Spectrum and SPF 15" (or higher) on their labels. Sunburn is caused primarily by UVB radiation. Both UVA and...
Prevent Summer Colds
You've planned this trip for months. A week by the shore, or a camping trip in the mountains. And then, seemingly out of the blue, it hits you. The dreaded summer cold. And it can be even worse than...
Although medically it is considered "normal" to have a bowel movement every three days, it is healthy to have at least one daily. Think about it. You would not want to put chewed-up food that has...
Brain Care 101
Just about everyone in the US has experienced what it is like to alter brain function. Maybe you had a cup of coffee and were suddenly more conversational, or a margarita and you were suddenly more...
Plant Foods Key to Bone Health
Eating a diet high in vegetables, fruit, fish, and whole grains could boost bone health and prevent fractures in women. A recent study compared levels of inflammatory elements in the diet to bone...
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